Natural Tsavorite Garnet Bracelet
RM49.00 – RM57.00
The stone of benevolence, vitality, prosperity, vigour, and compassion, Tsavorite is the gemstone of the Grossular Garnet family. Tsavorite is the stone that helps the person in discovering the beauty within himself and in others. It helps the wearer to make and maintain his own destiny rather than struggling and running after those things which are truly not theirs.
Being the stone increasing prosperity, Tsavorite not only bestows affluence, but also reduce the financial anxieties of the ones who wear it. The beautiful shining green crystals of Tsavorite have an extremely long history, and they are relatively new in the world of gems and jewels.
The beneficial properties of Grossular Granite or Tsavorite are:
Physical Healer
Tsavorite recovers emotional trauma and illness and supports the cellular regeneration process of the body. It is an excellent stone in treating the skin inflammations, detoxifying the body, fortifying kidney and liver, regulating metabolis, and preventing ailments, like arthritis, rheumatism, and arteriosclerosis.Tsavorite is believed to be a curative remedy for healing respiratory problems and enhancing the immunity of the person. It helps the wearer in getting rid of the infectious diseases. It also helps in the assimilation of vitamin A in the body.
Emotional Healer
Grossular Garnet is an excellent crystal to soothe the emotional stages in a relationship especially if one has already been through a broken relationship. It helps in encouraging and building new trust, and the bright green color of Tsavorite dispels the feeling of inadequacy.Tsavorite is also known to increase creativity and imagination, and reducing financial troubles and anxieties.
Spiritual Healer
Grossular Garnet edifies the lesson of abundance, from the materialistic physical wealth to religious connection of the person with the Divine. It sustains the wearer on all the levels and stages of life. It makes one to learn gratitude and spreading his learning.It is very beneficial to wear green Tsavorite as it helps the person in realizing his own blessings, and working without whatever is missing from one’s life.
Heals and Balances Chakra
Green Grossular Garnet or Tsavorite is believed to heal the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the closet of feelings, emotions, and expressions of a human being that connects him with the outer world. An unbalanced heart chakra gives the feeling of being controlled in a relationship, and it makes the person feel that everyone is bounding him.
沙弗莱作为石榴石家族的“小清新”是及其稀有的,具有美容的功效有助于改善血液方面的毛病 促进循环、增进活力,进而可以起到美容养颜的功效,还有加强再生能力,有助于改善生殖系统功能,以及加强身体的再生能力,能够加速伤口的愈合,是非常美丽的宝,双面的养生功效是女人最为亲睐的。
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